I was there
Charlotte Yonga, Emo de Medeiros, Amanda Iheme, Ndidi Dike, Cassandra Klos.
Lagos Photo Festival 2018
Mike Adenuga Centre / Alliance Française, Lagos, Nigeria

_Editor: EG, Africa, Lagos Photo Festival

group exhibition
Lagos Photo Festival 2018
Federal Printing Press, Lagos, Nigeria

_Editor: EG, Lagos Photo Festival

Scrapbook Love Story
Memory and the Vernacular Photo Album
The Walther Collection Project Space, New York

_Editor: EG, Exhibitions in New York, North America

From one Season to Another
Sarah Moon
Armani/Silos, Milano, Italy

_Editor: EG, Europe

The Swedish Matter, or the issue of the gramophone mind
Aleix Plademunt, Klara Källström, Thobias Fäldt and Johannes Wahlström
FG2 / Föreningsgatan 2, Gothenburg

_Editor: EG, Europe

Thomas Demand
Sprüth Magers Berlin

_Editor: EG, Europe, Exhibitions in Berlin, Germany